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Offshore Development Centre

What We Do

E Wings undertakes offshore software development in a very major way. Outsourcing software development is here to stay as an IT trend which has evolved, grown, matured and is living up to and outgrowing its potential. Especially with companies that wish to cut costs while gaining access to world-class software engineers, it is no more an option but a smart decision. One of the strongest factors that attract most of the companies worldwide to the software outsourcing company in Sri Lanka is the significant savings attached to an offshore software outsourcing project. On an average, companies report 40% to 60% increase in net savings with the help of Offshore Outsourcing.

Key benefits of software outsourcing with Ewings

  • Cost Efficiency
  • Availability of trained IT staff
  • Flexible manpower utilization
  • Development risk minimization
  • No up-front investments.
  • Fully Transparent Software Development

Technical Expertise

  • Development of Distributed Applications for Cloud and private networks
  • Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Azure SQL
  • Dotnet, C#, web based applications
  • Azure/Amazon Cloud based applications
  • Angular JS 1,2 Type script
  • Crystal Reports
  • Elastic Search like searching technologies


During the past 9 years our software development team has been working for a software development company based in the USA. The clients of the US software company are served by the developers based in the USA and by the staff at E Wings based in Sri Lanka. In addition, E Wings is working with another organization in the Philippines on the same business model. This operational model has brought tremendous financial benefits to both the overseas and local organizations to date.


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